3 Top Labor Day Lessons for a Happier You
3 Labor Day Lessons for a Happier You WHAT ... would make you happier at home? At work? Socially? If you're like me, it'd be some combination of ... help (without having to beg, nag to get it, or re-do a sloppy job) safety (who doesn't?) time to relax (ahhhhh...) ......
Sticky Situations You Don’t Want to Go Bad at Work, Part 1
Sticky Situations You Don't Want to Go Bad at Work (Part 1) When conflict happens, it may be subconscious, but it's not an accident. That person wants... power over you .. or needs power over you maybe needs to feel "right" (or righteous) ...or the "winner" in their...
3 Step Winning Formula Conversations
3-Step Winning Formula Conversations When conflict happens, it may be subconscious, but it's not an accident. That person wants power over you ... and NOW. But if you don't know the winning formula to turn 'power over' into connection right then, you've lost. Lost...
5 Mistakes to Avoid to Crush the Credibility Gap
5 Mistakes to Avoid to Crush the Credibility Gap If you’ve ever been tricked, fooled or hornswoggled, you too have experienced “the credibility gap”. I have. You may have too. “For every credibility gap there is a gullibility gap." - Richard Cobden It happened when I...
3 Steps from “Power Over” to Connection
Step 1... The Ghosts of Power Over Again it happened. Another meeting. At work. Wanting to speak up. Hesitating again. Been sidelined too many times before. Yearning to speak ... yet not speaking. Blaming them. Blaming herself. Memories flooded. At home, with dad. The...
How to Get Promoted at Work, without the Work-Family Conflict Part
How to Get Promoted at Work, without the Work-Family Conflict Part Doing, doing, dooooo-ing! I grew up thinking it was all about the work. And while the work you do -- your production, its quality and timeliness -- is important, promotions are about more than work....